Thursday, 13 March 2014

Hello? ...

... Is there anybody there?

Probably not, cos I've been so quiet.


Well, I could tell you that I was abducted by aliens and taken off in a spaceship to live with little green space-people, but you probably wouldn't believe me.

I could tell you that I won a large fortune on the lottery and have been on a world cruise, but you probably wouldn't believe me.

I could tell you that I've been busy doing a total spring-clean of both our house and Dad's, but you certainly wouldn't believe me.

So what have I been doing?

Writing patterns, spending time with family and friends, helping the economy out a bit and generally just living a normal life.  Tomorrow (I hope), I'll show you one or two fabric purchases that I might have made recently.


  1. Oh, winning the lottery and an cruise sounds delightful! But spending time with family and friends is good too.

  2. least you are hanging around...lurking....

  3. Thought you'd been ever so quiet, especially since you started me on this blogging journey, when you posted so often, but then I too find life gets in the way at times. Take care.

  4. sometimes life gets in the way of blogging I still have you on my feedly reader

  5. Nice to know you've been living a normal life...normal is great! Welcome back!

  6. Hmmm...normal life? Who are you trying to fool?!?! I know exactly where you've been and what you've been up to...same as me! It's all about the little green aliens!

  7. Sound relaxing and pleasant to me.

  8. Why do I think that you have been up to "no good?" :) But then obviously so have I since I have not been blogging much either.

  9. It's amazing how much time living takes!!!! LOL

  10. Welcome back to blogland! I missed you. Writing pattern directions can be so time consuming and boring. Now if we could just convince the aliens to write them......

  11. :-) Oh we're here - just doing the same things you are.

  12. I thought I was going to be jealous of a cruise!
    sounds like you've been keeping busy~

  13. Yes, life happens to all of us. I still check on you and I'm glad you are ok. As long as you are well and having a good time, that's all that matters.

  14. I'm here and totally understand how the other things in life can take over our creative time.


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