Sunday, 2 February 2014

Today is ...

... 2 February, which means that it is Candlemas Day here in the UK and Groundhog day in the US.

According to folklore here
 If Candlemas Day be clear and bright, winter will have another bite
and also
If Candlemas Day be dry and fair, half of winter's to come and mair

It's also Groundhog Day and US tradition says that if a groundhog peeps out of his burrow and sees his shadow then he'll go back into his home and winter will continue for another six weeks.

Uh oh, when I look out of the window, I see blue skies with some little fluffy white clouds - not good.


  1. The weather here is damp with very heavy fog. Neither clear nor dry. I guess I will have to wait for the Pesky groundhog;s verdict! lol

  2. That is too funny. We are grey and blah here this morning. I plan on enjoying a quilting mystery today.

  3. Okay Miss Prognosticator...what does it mean when you awake to a bunch of lumpy grey clouds above with yellowish clear sky on the western horizon approaching?

  4. I like Bonnie Hunter's posts on facebook today. When the groundhog sees his shadow it's 6 more weeks of quilting

  5. Dumb rodent says 6 more weeks of winter. I like your tradition much more, no rodent watching.

  6. I'll take blue skies with some little fluffy white clouds over torrential downpours and high winds ...

    Unfortunately, this morning the Postman told me the long-term forecast for February is more horrible weather like we've had in January. I won't tell you what I said in return :}

  7. Thank you for the lesson on these traditions. I was hoping for an early spring for all those in snow and cold areas. You guys have had more than your fair share. Stay safe and warm for another six weeks, sew lots, and visit your internet friends.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!


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