... the other weekend Scrappy and I went to a meeting of the
Yorkshire Modern Quilt Group. One member was demonstrating how to do a mock piped binding by machine which looked very effective, and easy, and would be a wonderfully quick way of finishing quilts. Hmm, not so. Or at least, not in my case. I'm not even going to show you a photo of my first attempt. So I tried again the next day, and I'm not showing you a photo of that effort either. Anyway, a few days later we got together and had a sewing (and chatting, and eating) day and we'd decided to have another go. I was still not happy with my efforts and we think it was because we were tucking the ends of our binding in to finish it, and that was making for an awfully lumpy, bumpy bit. So we made another decision. The next time we get together, we are going to have another go, but this time we will try joining the tails of the binding instead. So, I've done my homework and have a little mug rug all ready to go, together with the mock-piped binding and I'm actually ready early cos we're not meeting up till next week. Here's the one that's ready to go

I know I said I'm not showing you my 3rd (or was it 4th) go from last week, but here it is, just for a laugh
By the way, why is it that when you look at something, it's fine, until you look at a photo of it? Can you spot the deliberate mistake?