Friday 4 July 2014

I must be getting old ...

... there is no denying it any more.  For years I have needed glasses for reading and glasses for driving but last week I had my annual eye test and found that really the time had come for some all-day-every-day ones and I had to give in and get some varifocals.  To me, that means I am now, officially, old.  How has that happened when I know I only turned 30 about a year ago!
There is one good thing about it though - the world is far more detailed than I had realised.  Trees have individual leaves rather than just a green cloud round the branches, small flowers have petals, etc.  There is also a bad side to all of this and that is that I can see the dust on the furniture!


  1. It's nice to have you join the club! Enjoy seeing the world through those new glasses!

  2. I've belonged to this club for about 2 years now!

  3. I I use readers. My day will come...I just ignore dust. Lol

  4. I haven't gotten there yet, but probably soon.

  5. If you can see the dust on the furniture, don't come visit me unless you bring your dust cloth!

  6. I've been in the eyeglass club for a while, so welcome. You probably look very smart in your new frames. We'll call you Professor Sue:)

  7. sounds like you have needed glasses for years if you couldn't make out the individual leaves on the trees! I have needed mine almost l my whole life it seems - you well get used to them

  8. Old? I got my first pair of glasses in the first grade. They were blue with silver "cat wings." Loved them!

  9. I'm certain that One appears even more Sovereign now that She and The Queen both sport spectacles! You're in the In Crowd now!

  10. ROFL. I had finally needed glasses to read, and see far away to see clearly, but stuff about an arms length away up to a 100 feet I was fine. I was mentioning how I had bifocals. One of my friends said honey those are not bifocals those are trifocals. Deal with it! All of the beautiful people wear glasses.

  11. You're not old!!!! I got my first ones at 17 in 1966 (just for reading) and they were those black Buddy Holly type. By the time I was around 40 I had bifocals. You get used to it and ignore the dust for now and enjoy your summer. Take care.

  12. For me I can't see at a distance or the computer at work. Up close is just fine. It's nice to know you're not missing the details anymore - they're really quite nice!

  13. I have had varifocals for years Sue, just do not check for dust too often, especially when the sun shines

  14. At least with wearing everyday glasses you don't have to find them when you put them down somewhere, they are already being worn! I've had to wear glasses since I was 6 as my eye suffered after having measles and have worn varifocals for quite a few years now. My husband only wears his glasses for reading and for screen work so his glasses (he has several pairs) are left all over the place!

  15. I've been wearing them since 5th grade - welcome to the club and sorry you have to be a member

  16. Welcome to the Four-Eyes Club! The up-side of wearing glasses is seeing the world so clearly.

  17. The truth is those varifocals just make you twice as special! That's what I keep telling myself!

  18. They have such stylish ones now. Isn't it a beautiful world out there now?????

  19. Too funny, Sue! The good thing is you can chose to take them off when you're anywhere near the furniture - I sure do!

  20. Oh welcome to my world. While I hate my glasses, I also love them - I love seeing all the details -just not the wrinkles on my face! LOL!!

  21. So sorry about the change but sometimes change is good.


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