Saturday, 10 December 2011

Christmas QAL Party - Post 4

OK It's now 8.30 here, so I'm about to settle in front of the TV with my stitching, but before I go, I would like to do two things.

First I want to thank Cathi for volunteering to co-host the QALs this year.  When she did this, she did not realise just how successful her business was going to be.  Despite being so busy, she did a great job as a host.  Thanks Cathi.

Secondly, I must thank everyone who joined us this year.  It has been great fun and I have met some lovely new people who I now call friends.

Thirdly (OK, I can't count, can I?) I want to tell you about the Christmas QAL plans for 2012.  As you know, we asked for people to act as guest hosts, and have been delighted with the responses.  We will have a different host each month, which will be great fun I think.  The QAL's will still be held on the 2nd Saturday of each month, and will run from February to December.  Here is the list of our hosts:

I'm sure our new hosts will have lots of fun planned for us, and I'm looking forward to travelling to different places for our QALs.

So, I'll see you in February if not before.

Don't forget to sign up for the party here by the way.


  1. Have a lovely evening. Thanks for all your work on the quilt along. You have some exciting plans for next year. See you then!

  2. It's been great joining in each month, see you next year!

  3. This year has been fun, and I have a neat quilt as a memory of our qal Saturdays. Thank you.

  4. I was home late from vending so didn't get to join in today's post. I have enjoyed the Christmas QAL and look forward to next year. Maybe I can get a post up on Monday.

  5. I am looking forward to taking part next year...if you will have me

  6. Gosh, I better start planning what to do! Will there be a pattern or is it our own thing?

  7. Thanks for sharing, sorry I missed the fun, but had to be interstate for a family function. I am going off to mark the 2012 QAL in my diary so I dont miss out next year! Merry Christmas and happy quilting, Sue SA.

  8. Hi Sue
    Sounds like you and your friends will have great plans to 2012. I'd like so much to join in the next party. I lost the last one ;o(.
    Happy new Year to you and your family.
    (big hugs)


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