Monday, 15 April 2013

Handy Household Hints 2 & 3....

.... here is the next in my series (well OK, I have written one before) of Handy Household Hints.

Handy Hint 1
If you are planning to pour some disinfectant down the drainpipe in your shower room, do not leave a dark red bath mat right in the firing line, otherwise you will end up with a two-tone mat like this:

Handy Hint 2
Do not simply turn the mat over and then do the same thing again, 


  1. Now thank you for the day's bit of laughter! Been there, done that (hunter green).

  2. Now you must do something creative with it, so it looks intentional!

  3. Oh dear, just one of those moments!

  4. Who knew? You're a genius, only a brilliant mind could work that out! When does your own TV show air (and will there be a book deal and branded kitchenware?)

    {sorry .... no, not really, snortle!!}

  5. Oh yes...this sounds very familiar in this house!

  6. I hate it when that happens! I've done it more than once myself.

  7. Sorry I know I shouldn't have but you did make me laugh.

  8. Kneeling in the one small spot of spilt stuff isn't great either. I have the spot on my pants (trousers) to prove it!

  9. Ha, ha, thanks for the laugh, I mean tips!

  10. Oh my goodness! That is genious!
    Heaven knows I'd never think of such a thing all by myself! I am so in need of your guidance!
    ;-} ;-} ;-} ;-} ;-} ;-} ;-} ;-}


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