Thursday, 1 October 2015


I am an idiot.



Yesterday I was at the local station to buy train tickets into the city for a hospital appointment today.  It was much, much later in the day that I realised my appointment is next Thursday, not today.  See, I told you I was an idiot.

Not to worry though.  I went back to the station today, explained what I'd done and asked to change the tickets.  They couldn't do that, but were quite happy to issue a full refund of the £2.50 cost of the tickets.  Great, thought I.

Then I was told there would be a £10 fee.

I decided not to go ahead.


  1. I'm so glad someone else does things like that too! We can start our own club Sue.

  2. Finally...a place where its safe to admit ones fumbles. I know its hard to believe, but I've had many. No judgy stuff from this seat!

  3. Oh no, but then I think we are all guilty of mixing things up these days. Can't believe the fee was so hefty and just plain stupid in my eyes. Take care.

  4. Mixing up days is more and more common for me. But at least I am older and that is my excuse. The grandsons are always messed up with what day of the week it is.

  5. Happens to the best of us. Just yesterday morning I woke up freaked out thinking I had forgotten my dad's birthday until I finally glanced at the calendar - his birthday is November 1. Somehow I lost a whole month in one night. Silly me!

  6. I'm just shaking my head - just too funny about exchanging the tickets!

  7. I'm just shaking my head - just too funny about exchanging the tickets!


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