Tuesday, 4 January 2011

So there we were ....

.... Little Person's Mummy and Daddy, Mr Fixit and I, all sitting downstairs with Little Person upstairs in bed.  All of a sudden comes the cry all parents know and dread:

" Mummee.  Daddeeeeeeee ....."

So up goes Daddy.  A few minutes later, back he comes.  Most 4 year olds are calling for a drink of water, aren't they?  Not this one.

"Daddy, how do you spell caboodle?"   was the question.


  1. And, did daddy know the answer? I could not resist asking! And what is your 4 year old going to do with a caboodle?

  2. Sounds like you will have to be on your toes with this one. Enjoy his creative nature.

  3. LOL! To have such a major worry in your life - oh, the innocence of youth.

  4. At least he didn't ask for a caboodle. What a sweetie.

  5. I don't even know what the word means...:)

  6. LOL!! Kids say the funniest things! So cute!!

  7. Huh...what does it mean?

  8. Ha..ha..so cute!! I love the way children see the world. Oh, I meant to say in response to your comment on my blog - "removal men" ??? WHAT removal men??? WE will be the removal men!! ...lol... with help from our 2 daughters and their hubbies :0) Hugs and Blessings from Sue

  9. The things that keep you awake at night when you're 4 LOL! Just as well Daddy is a teacher.

  10. LOL!! Too funny! Love the quilt in your banner - so pretty. Such nice warm colors.

  11. Aren't kids great! I love the things they come up with.

  12. LOL Don't ya just love them! hehe Gonna have to watch that one! LOL

  13. Now what in the world was that little one thinking of to need to spell that at bed time? Ah yes, if bedtimes were smooth parents would get more sleep! (says me as I think gee it's 7 and I'm sleepy!)

  14. Adorable! You just have to wonder what was going on in that little brain.

    I'm so far behind, but I wanted to wish you a very happy New Year!

  15. Wow he can spell at 4 years old! :)

  16. Look out he be going to Uni very early at this rate
    Hugs Janice


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