Saturday, 24 October 2009

My new pets

I would like you all to meet my new pets, the birds:

Aren't they cute?

They were made following a tutorial on Nicole's blog, here.
Oops, I'm sorry, I  got the link to the tutorial wrong, but I have corrected it now and if you click on the link, it will take you straight there.


  1. Too cute! You always have the cutest nicknames for your family and friends -- have you named the birds? They're so adorable!

  2. Oh my! They are so adorable. I love them all in a row like that!

  3. Yes, I'm with Kim - have you named them yet? What will you come up with?

  4. Well, looky've got something to post and share about!

  5. Sue,
    They are the cutest birds and the quietest ones I have ever known.
    A friend had 10 birds once and they made all this racket - it was unbelievable how noisy that they were.

    Thanks for sharing and visiting my blog. It is always lovely to hear from you.

    Warmest regards,

  6. A row of chickens. I like their legs!

  7. So cute! They look perfect sitting there. Nice, quiet, and clean.

  8. Your flock is adorable. I'm sure that they are much quieter, and better behaved than real ones.

  9. Love your birds! Are you going to keep them so they can keep an eye on you?
    Abbe :)

  10. Much easier than the Rock Chicks to look after but without the benefit of fresh eggs!

    I am tempted to say 'you should get out more' {splutter, giggle!} but that is only because I am so jealous that your life is organised enough that you can actually do any sewing and mine continues it's downward spiral into madness!

    lots of Sunday hugs from Hobbit.

  11. Pretty darn cute! You need a couple in christmas fabrics now ... :o)

  12. SewAli said You need a couple in christmas fabrics now ...

    Would that make them Christmas Turkeys?

  13. These are so cute -- I'm going to go check out the tutorial. Thanks!

  14. Gotta get me some of these little cuties to love! Bilbo is right - Christmas fabrics!

  15. Thanks for the link Sue - these are so cute I'll have to make some for my stall at the coffee morning on Nov 14th. Just spotted you won a giveaway at Quilt Hollow - lucky you!


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