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I've made another section, hung the washing out, brought the washing in cos it started raining, popped out to buy the mushrooms I forgot this morning, and now, here I am again.
I thought it was a good time for me to write down what I have learnt so far:

Starch, starch, starch. (I've also learnt that I loathe the smell of it!)

Pin, pin, pin. I thought I'd try some of the double pronged pins, which I believed were just meant for this sort of thing, but quite honestly I found they were more trouble than they were worth. I was probably using them incorrectly, but when I put them in, the fabrics seemed to shift a bit, so I was not getting the accuracy.

The book I am sort of using, says to draw seam lines on all my strips to make for accurate matching. It then says to pin, then to machine tack (baste to those of you in the US), check the accuracy, then either start again or machine the pieces. I, in my infinite wisdom, decided that was total overkill, and that I could judge the seam allowance by eye, pin then sew. After several unsatisfactory attempts, I rethought my strategy.

I now draw the seam allowance, pin through where that line crosses my stitching, check that the pin goes through the same cross on the underneath part, and sew, carefully and slowly. Having these intersections marked has made the whole thing very much easier.

Be careful when pressing, and remember I am pressing, not ironing, edges on the bias. At first I pressed my seams to one side, but then I tried pressing them open as an experiment. Although it's a fiddle, and has led to a few burnt fingers, I have found that it helps everything to lie flat and it also makes the points look lovely and pointy! I did try using my little applique mini-iron to open the seams, but decided it was easier with my real iron.