Sunday 23 January 2011

Here it is ...

... the Christmas Quiltalong free pattern.
Scatty Christmas Stars

Quilt size: 50” x 62 ½”
Finished block size: 9” x 9”

Fabric requirements:

Star blocks:
Blue for star backgrounds:  1 ¼ yds
Light yellow for stars: ¾ yd
Dark yellow for stars: ¾ yd

Connector blocks:
Red: 2 ½ yds 
Green: ¾ yd

Border 1 and cornerstones for Border 2:
Dark yellow: ½ yd

Border 2:
Red: 1 yd

Blue: ½ yard

Designed on EQ7
by Sue Abrey (Quilt Times) and Cathi Gainey (Shakerwood Quilts
for Christmas Quiltalong 2011

Instructions will be supplied each month for 6 months to make the star blocks.  That will be followed by one month to make the connector blocks and the remaining months will cover the assembly of the centre and adding the borders.  With a bit of luck, and a following wind, you can finish the top during the October Quiltalong which gives time to quilt it and have it finished by Christmas.

The really eagle-eyed amongst you may have noticed a new tab at the top of my blog, called

2011 Christmas Quiltalong

If you click on that tab, you can find all the basic information about what the Quiltalong is all about, how it works, etc.


  1. Oh, I didn't know it included a quilt. I just thought everyone was making something--anything Christmasy.

    Now I know it is a quilt to boot! Thanks!!

  2. I like that, I have some lovely black and gold fabrics that would work, I'd better check I've got enough ...

  3. Gosh - looks brill - I love it!

    Looking forward (with a little trepidation!) to getting stuck in!

  4. Sue, love the pattern!! Very cute....but what does "scatty" mean in England? LOL.... ;-)

  5. I have something of an idea just HOW MUCH WORK you and Cathi have put in to design this quilt and prepare the instructions for everyone. Thank you.

    Lovely to have a quilt that many of us will be working on instead of, or in addition to, our own projects.

    (This will be a wonderful learning quilt for Hazel, wonder how many other newbies we can catch on the way)

  6. That's very pretty. I love star blocks. Thank you.

  7. You girls have made a great effort so far. The quilt is perfect! Although I won't be making this quilt (too hot here in Australia for Xmas quilts) I will join you and make some other projects.

  8. Love the pattern and this sounds like such fun! So tempting!!

  9. Love the pattern. One of my goals this year was to make some 9 inch blocks each month--my own lotto so to speak and boy will this help! THANK YOU! Mine will be scrappy, I'm sure. My Christmas is always quilts to Family Connections Center.

  10. Well done and easy enough for a beginner!

  11. Oh, let the games BEGIN! I canNOT wait!! lolol

  12. I saw the new tab right away! :-) To funny your word verification for this comment was "claus" hehe!

  13. Very nice design Sue.


  14. What a wonderful quilt for a Christmas sew along. Hope I can do it.

    Have a super great day.

  15. hi how do we join i know i am a bit late but i just found you !!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


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