Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Saving money ...

.. yesterday I went shopping with my father.
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He bought several things in multi-packs or larger than usual sizes cos they were a lot cheaper, so his bill was quite a bit higher than usual.  It really amused us that he'd spent a lot to save a little.  Now where's the logic in that we had to ask ourselves.


  1. Your father sound like me. I personally blame our local Costco for causing me to buy baulk all the time..lol

  2. I bet if it was fabric you would understand! I saw your book at the quilt show I went to on Friday - even took a picture for you.

  3. Been there, done that with my Dad. Make sure you check the expiration dates of anything before he cooks it! I'm speaking from experience.

  4. LOL I was thinking the same as Sunny....seems we have more in common than just a name. Linda x

  5. HAHAHA - I go with my SIL and buy large lots at discount, but we split the items thus split the bill so we do make a good savings.

  6. It's a mindset....he's probably so used to trying to save money that's the only way he knows how to shop. I know I'm definitely going to have to re-think the way I shop if I ever get rid of these teenage boys!

  7. If it is things that won't go bad like toilet paper, than it is a good thing, but if it is something food wise that will go bad before he uses it all, than it is stupid to do that. I am sure he won't eat 20 pounds of spaghetti noodles in the next 6 months or so.

  8. Guess he's looking at the bigger picture .. he'll use all the stuff eventually. Isn't that what we do with fabric - at least our quilting stuff doesn't have a sell-by date!

  9. I think your dad is v sensible, Sue (providing, as Ann Marie says that he hasn't bought a cooked meat mountain or anything!), and I am a mean ol' stick who does the same!

    Mind you, I sometimes have a blank moment when going round the shops as to whether I need a particular item, and buy it even if it is not on the shopping list - just in case - which means I inadvertently end up with a cupboard full of soap bars, or something...

  10. Yes, my MIL is just the same! She is almost 92, so maybe it comes from going thru the Depression. She used to drive to shops the other side of town to save just "cents" on items (she didnt think about the cost of the petrol to go that far away). She doesnt do that now, but she STILL DRIVES!! (Good grief!!) I know, I know... but it is up to my hubbie to stop her, not me. She saves rubber bands, bits of string etc. too - but I agree, you need to check the "use by" on lots of things in her pantry, as she has given us stuff that is ANCIENT!! :0( but her heart is in the right place. Hugs n Blessings from Sue

  11. This is what happens when I shop Costco! Buying way more than I really need to think I'm saving money and it cost me more though I have a supply closet! Like buying 4 cans of bathroom cleaner vs just the one....then there is the snacks! Sigh!

  12. When I visit my mom, I end up in the early morning hours before she wakes up, going into her storeroom and throwing away the past date items. I've thrown away jam she made 10 years ago. LOL! The depression era children have horded for so long and are constantly stocking up "just in case" for the future. Guess we'll never change them. I've inherited a bit of that as I shop at Costco and always buy the big nearly $20 worth of toilet paper. Oh, and one can't have too much coffee--right?!!!

  13. You know what you say makes sense, but it also kills me those people who buy a four pack of toilet paper, really? Do they think they'll never need it anymore after that four pack?

  14. Hello Sue, Thank you for the advice. Unfortunately I have everything already filed in properly. I think I may have to send off an e-mail to blogger to see why its is keeping me as a no reply-comment blogger! Let me know if this comment shows otherwise.
    Thanks again!


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